Sunday, March 7, 2010


Television in the UK is weird. It seems more open to objectivity and error than American TV. I am watching a documentary called The Bible: a history. This host, who is black and has a nose piercing - something you would never see in the US, is examining his faith and what the book of Revelations means. His thesis is that its a book of allegory ultimately about social change and the fight against tyranny. That struck me as elegant, something that would never be thought of in mainstream America. The other striking thing is, as I said above, how objective it is. I watched a little bit of a Cops style show set in London. The police here are less...friendly lets say to criminals than America. I would not want to be arrested here for sure. haha. Oh, and apparently they have a big pizza brand here called Dr. Oetenek. What a terrible name. It sounds like a gynecologist and not delicious pizza.
End Tramission

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