Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Exit Manchester, Enter the Glasgow

March 9th
Holiday Inn Express in the Salford Quays (pronounced "keys", but I still dont buy it)

We leave Manchester today. The guys are still sleeping. Patrick is enveloped in the red throw blanket from the bed. I cant even see his head. This is a serious affair apparently. We woke up early just to go to breakfast and came back so most of us could sleep again. I think we leave in 30 mins. 4 hours from now we should be in Scotland and entering Glasgow. I hope its like the Thunderdome and requires us to fight for petrol or something. Not that I want to fight, but that would be an interesting story at least. I think at this point I am ready to tackle being a writer again. Being around Respect Films and also interviewing all these writers and artists really turns the soul. Makes me want to go out with my camera, start jotting down notes for the novel, direct something. I want to try it all. One thing at a time though, right. No need to rush. I am not in America. There is a certain slowness here that is lost back home. It is difficult to not be compelled by the speed of a crowd. Its like two women being in close quarters will soon be on the same cycle. That is what happens when being part of the crowd too long, we all rag together. I am tired of bleeding from my proverbial vagina. Time to do something.
I also miss my wife a great deal and any amount of creativity helps numb the pain of that.

End Transmission
return to your lives.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Food, Closings, Victoria

Everything in Victoria is an on old ladys schedule. There is nothing open past 8PM. Jordan and I wondered the streets of London hungry for food. We walked along the cold streets stopping at every pub hoping one would be open. We talked about the Warren Ellis project and what we wanted to do with it. Finally stopping to ask a dark dressed chef on break. He was standing in a door way smoking a cigarette. He walked us into the street and pointed us towards a street that was supposed to be open. We found an bright lit place with orange lighting called The Giraffe. The food was good, it was a mixture of indian, mexican, american and british. Some were a concoction of all them.
Jordan and I talked about lighting in movies and the destruction of American film with the introduction of the steady cam. Now we are discussing weather or not we will make a small documentary on Patrick pissing on my bag. We will blur out his face and modulate his voice.


Television in the UK is weird. It seems more open to objectivity and error than American TV. I am watching a documentary called The Bible: a history. This host, who is black and has a nose piercing - something you would never see in the US, is examining his faith and what the book of Revelations means. His thesis is that its a book of allegory ultimately about social change and the fight against tyranny. That struck me as elegant, something that would never be thought of in mainstream America. The other striking thing is, as I said above, how objective it is. I watched a little bit of a Cops style show set in London. The police here are less...friendly lets say to criminals than America. I would not want to be arrested here for sure. haha. Oh, and apparently they have a big pizza brand here called Dr. Oetenek. What a terrible name. It sounds like a gynecologist and not delicious pizza.
End Tramission

Saturday, March 6, 2010

More photos


You may return to your futile lives now.

1st day adenture

March 5th
Holiday Inn – Victoria London
1st day of Ellis shoot

The plane ride was not as nefarious or scary as I had thought. I rather enjoyed the flight to be honest. I sat next to a man named Tim that was in the book publishing business. He was a dapper 45 year old with close cropped hair and dead pan style wit. He was there as a free guest of one of the stewardesses. We talked a lot and he shared his special meals with me, as did the stewardess. You would have hated her, blonde hair in a bun, orange skin, knee high boots. Everything you hate in women. She was very kind though. I took an ambien and had some wine. It gave me a weird high. Things become…oddly focused and brighter. I slept when I could which due to the seats was in about 15 minute intervals. I also watched Up In The Air and didn’t hate it as much.
When we arrived I stepped off the plane onto the tarmac and we were taken to a bus which took us to a customs terminal. I soon made my way through and looked for a train and a SIM card. After the SIM card and a train ticket I was on my way to Paddington station which looks immense. The overarching I beams and glass ceilings give the place a history I have never seen. The air also smells weird here, like porridge and burning petrol. I am not a fan.
I made my way, finally, to the correct train to Victoria. There were all types on the train. I watched as a old woman got on and asked an asian kid if “he wanted to be a gentleman?” He got up and she took the seat next to me. Maybe she didn’t ask me because I was obviously a foreigner. Once at Victoria I tried to use my phone, but the SIM card would not work. I went to a suspicious looking cell phone store where the Indian kid helped me out and sold me a t-mobile SIM card. I called Patrick to find where I needed to go. I was set despite my anger at getting robbed for the first SIM card, fuckers. I stopped and picked up the Red Bull for Ellis. The Indian kid behind the counter admonished me for purchasing so many. He said it was bad for my health. Give me my damn drinks man. I was off again to find the Holiday Inn. Unfortunately I could not find Belgrave Road. Apparently every bloody thing in London is named Belgrave something or other. I walked around Victoria for about an 1 ½ looking for the place. Finally I found a phone booth that accepted credit cards. Oh, did I forget to mention my phone was dead. So, I called Patrick and made my way to the Holiday Inn where I met with Mr Warren Ellis. He is a large imposing man with a grey wiry beard and wears a field hat like Indiana Jones. The interview went smoothly and was hilarious. Warren was great on camera and only once asked us to move off a topic ( his mom). We filmed for about 2 hours and then broke once we could hear Ellis’s stomach growling. We went to eat at a local English pub place. I had a sirloin burger and fries with a London Pride beer. All were incredible. We had many a good laugh with Warren. He was open and an amazing story teller. He could tell you about putting up fuckin wallpaper and you would be enthralled. He has the quickest wit of damn near anyone I have ever met.
After dinner we tried to keep going but quickly lost steam. We packed up and Warren stayed to work. Jordan, Patrick and Amber all went out with a friend and I opted to stay back and write this and sleep. Tired is not even accurate for how I feel. An ancient sleep deity has taken a shit in my skull and is using it to bang out a lullaby for me now. Oh, we cant get the internet to work, so I couldn’t even email you. All in all. It was a good day. I wish you were here. I miss you terribly. London is an odd town full of piss, vinegar and history. It also smells. Did I mention that.

I miss you terribly. I am counting down the hours till I see you again.

Your love,



March 4th, 2010
O’Hare Airport – Gate C20

I miss you. I am trying not to cry while I sit here in the faded blue polyester chairs.
There is a man next to me resembling a everyman version of a professor: white hair, glasses, slacks, brown New Balance shoes with thick soles. I wish you could see the people, I am sure you would have much to say about them. I suppose you are home by now watch Community and smoking while you do it. I miss you. I wont feel right till I am back with you. All my life I have had a foot out the door, looking for a reason to run. For once, I have the chance and I would rather stay home with you. The world can wait. I am tempted to take a cab back home and say I got sick. I know you would be disappointed though. I hope you sleep well tonight my little blue jay.


Thursday, March 4, 2010


So, you, and by you, I mean Kristin, can keep up. Here is the link to my pics.

Blogger Pictures

There are only two pics so far. One of my start and one of my hotel.

That is all for now.

End Transmission.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

trip planning

I am not ready for my trip. I thought I was, but looking over the small list of "Things to do", I see holes upon holes in what is not done. I borrowed an AC converter from a friend at work. It is a small black box with two round prongs on the end. It looks like a taser, like the two white and silver tipped prongs will shock you if you were to touch it. But, like Max Power, you musnt touch.
I also need a Sony memory stick for the camera, as well as batteries. I also need to find something for Ellis to sign. Morrison is covered. Just waiting on the planets to align so he may appear from the exploding womb of a lamb, fire works will blast off, women will faint. Morrison has appeared. Ellis will most likely beam in via Jenny Sparks and travel on the lightening of electricity. As for the rest of the trip. Well, I am not sure what to expect. I imagine it will be a bit debauched as far as drinking goes, but otherwise a sightseeing tour. I am excited.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The fact of flight

'A few days' that is the phrase I keep repeating. It is unwavering to think that within 8 hours between Thursday and Friday I will be on a completely different continent. Not a state away, not a highway away, but a whole other land mass away. We are such spoiled brats. How are we not enamored with the fact of flight?
We can remove ourselves from this exact spot and fly to another. I want you to let that sink in.
End Transmission. Please return to your every day lives.